What Our Grantors Have Made Possible
The Hope Project would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the Williams International Friendship Fund, Project Redwood, Douglass Financial Services/JSB Program, MacDonald Miller, Webb Accountancy Corporation, and Jim and Sally Olson/Olson Lab. With awarded grant funds, we have been able to build and renovate our school buildings, provide university and vocational scholarships, offer on-site vocational programs, Sew Much Hope, Cooking Up Hope, and Power of Hope, and begin a community sanitation program.
Douglass Financial Services
2019 - $35,000
Classroom building renovations.
Anonymous Donor
2021 - $50,000
Classroom building renovations.
MacDonald Miller
2018 - $4,500
2019 - $5,000
2020 - $6,000
Classroom building renovations.
Project Redwood of Tides Foundation
2019 - $25,000
On-site vocational program, Sew Much Hope.
2020 - $30,000
On-site vocational program, Cooking Up Hope.
2021 - $30,000
On-site vocational program, Power of Hope.
2022 - $30,000
On-site vocational programs,
Sew Much Hope & Cooking Up Hope.
Webb Accountancy Corporation | Wenatchee and Leavenworth, Washington
University scholarships for Hope International graduates studying accounting.
Williams International Friendship Fund
2018 - $20,000
University and Vocational scholarships for Hope International graduates.
2021 - $60,000
University scholarships for Hope International graduates.
Jim and Sally Olson
In honor of Olson Lab employees
2022 - $53,000
Pilot sanitation program benefitting the community surrounding Hope International.