Season’s Greetings Friends of Hope,
Over the past few years, each time I sit to write our holiday message, it seems that I’m writing to you in the most difficult of times. The struggle to balance the proclamation of Hope can seem trite, uninformed and even callous to the tremendous suffering we are, if not experience, bearing witness to. As I write this to you, war is raging and it is the world’s children, dependent on us to act for their best good, who suffer. And yet, we must proclaim, Hope…even still.
What does hope look like in this season? It is contemplation and activism. It is sharing and receiving. It is doing good locally and far-away. It is acknowledging our own and every other person’s humanity. We cannot give or do too much good right now. We must use our presence, our intentions and connections, our words and voices, our money, our minds, our hearts…our Hope.
The existence of The Hope Project and all the good being done is a direct result of people (many reading this right now!) who, when exposed to the suffering that Liberia’s civil war created, acted together and put themselves to beautiful use. The world needs this impulse towards hope desperately right now...our imperfect presences refusing to let destruction and dehumanization have the last word.
As we begin our 16th year, we find ourselves in need of deep generosity this holiday season. Our budget depends heavily on the gifts you share with us during the year end, and I want to be direct about this - this year we’ve been faced with an unusual number of financial needs at the school, including staff sicknesses, student emergencies and more, and we are finding ourselves coming up short of what we need as we go into 2024.
Our hope is that you will consider a special gift this holiday season.
The Hope Project is an antidote to despair every single day. Over 1300 students are receiving an education that would otherwise have been out of reach. Over 70 Liberian educators and staff have stable employment. And all of you, voluntarily and generously sharing what you have on behalf of a community and families that are not your own. If we can keep it up, Hope may in fact, have the last word…even still.
Our year-end giving goal is $25,000.
Each year, we depend on holiday generosity to provide $25,000 towards our school operations. Can you join us in meeting this hope-filled need with a holiday gift?
Ways to Give.
Venmo under Charities: @hopeproject_liberia
Check: The Hope Project | P.O. Box 1095 Leavenworth, WA 98826
Questions? Contact us at (509) 699-6307
As is our tradition, we are sharing a holiday cake recipe with you to sift, mix, bake, and share with your loved ones. This year’s recipe is for a festive Million Dollar Pineapple Cake. We topped ours with pomegranate seeds and it was delicious. Click here for recipe.
Wishing you a season that is filled with hope, comfort, and shared purpose.
With Holiday Gratitude,
Jackie Frazier
Executive Director, The Hope Project