$25,000 for HOPE!
When we were faced with trying to raise the funds needed to keep the school afloat for another year, without an event that has been an anchor in past years, we were a bit fearful. We needn’t have been. Once again, as you always do, you made the seemingly impossible, possible.
You ordered our boxes and lovingly prepared meals. You shared meaningful conversations around your own tables and you sent us kind words and photos.
You also sent money. Money that is essential to the work we have partnered in with our friends in Liberia. The money that keeps the school humming along for the year. We did that together.
Aside from all of you givers and (un)Eventers, there are friends and businesses who gave from their hearts to make this (un)Event a reality.
Thank you seems so small, but trust me, our gratitude is deep and large.
Together, we are The Hope Project.