GivingTuesday Thank You!

Together, we did it!

This GivingTuesday we asked, and you answered. You helped us reach our goal to raise over $4,000 for our hardworking teachers and staff. Your generosity will be forwarded to them this week, expressing tangibly your partnership with them.

You who are standing alongside the students and educators of Hope International have added joy and hope for the teachers and staff this holiday season.

Thank You for Giving Today and Every Day.

Thank Each Who Teach

Is there a day that teachers do not GIVE?

With all the blooming occurring at Hope International this year, we know that it is the teachers who carry the most. We are fully aware that without this devoted staff, the students would not be able to stretch and dream towards the bright futures they are striving for. 

As all schools do, we wish we could pay our teachers what they deserve. On Giving Tuesday, we pool together through shared generosity, a holiday gift that eases their worries and brightens the season for them and their families. 

The teachers tell us over and over how this ongoing expression of love and support makes the holidays beautiful for their families and communities. Tomorrow, November 29, is GivingTuesday and we are setting a goal of raising $4,000 to benefit our 70+ Liberian teachers and staff. 
The staff in Liberia work in a challenging educational system with far too few resources. We know that. We see them. There is no federal retirement system for teachers. No national health care insurance. What they receive (aside from the heart benefits) is what we collectively send. GivingTuesday provides us with the chance to honor their work and their commitment to the future of Liberia. 
There is the opportunity to give a gift in honor of a stateside educator in your life. On the donation form, fill out their information and we will let them know of your generosity. How beautiful is that…honoring the hard work of teachers near and far.

Please, if you are able, join us in honoring them this GivingTuesday for all they have given and given. 
Together, we are The Hope Project.

Thankful x 3

In this week of expressing outwardly the gratitude we carry with us on the daily, please let us express how thankful we are for each of you reading this and the partnership it represents.

This week we received three updates from Hope International graduates who have received scholarships to attend vocational programs throughout Liberia. Some of these students waited years for this opportunity. Each of them asked that we share with you their thankfulness for all that it has provided.

We are grateful that because of you, these students had the opportunity to receive a high school diploma! We are also grateful because some of you (thank you Patti, Jim, and Sarah) went even further and provided a vocational scholarship.

On behalf of these three graduates, the students and the staff of Hope International, we express to you in this week of thankfulness our gratitude for your partnership. Together, we are The Hope Project.