Together in CommUNITY

Since the opening of Hope International in 2008, the school has extended its impact into the surrounding community of Gardnersville, providing educational opportunities for children and adults in the community and serving as the community hub in times of crisis and need. 
During Ebola and Covid-19 quarantines, rice and sanitation supplies were provided and distributed to the community from the school campus.   

The medical clinic serves both the students and the surrounding community by providing local healthcare support. 
The school has also been made available to function as a voting station in elections, as well as event and testing classrooms for other schools in need of space. 
As the rising buildings of our growing campus have emerged, so has the position of Hope International as the heart and hub of the community. 

Joyful News!

Smith Samah Graduates With His Master's Degree

We interrupt our summer series to bring you the breaking news of Smith's graduation on Saturday, July 8th from Sandip University with a master’s degree in mechanical engineering! Hope International's first alumni student who has earned a master's degree. You can learn more about Smith's journey here and here

Our deepest gratitude to all of you who shared your generosity to make it possible for Smith to travel back to Liberia upon graduation. He will be returning home shortly, after being away from his family, his fiancé, and his community for two years.  

Together, we all celebrate with Smith and the generosity that made his entire educational journey possible. Shine bright Smith, we are so very proud!

Hope International Kindergarten Graduation

Coincidentally, Saturday was also Hope International's kindergarten graduation. Perhaps someone dreaming as big as Smith stands among these graduates.

Your partnership makes it all possible!

Dear John

Dear Friends of Hope,

One of the clearest most obvious ways that you can see the school’s transformation over the years is in the bathrooms. When the doors opened to Hope International in 2008 there were no bathrooms, only a flimsy piece of metal hung between poles to form two outdoor stalls.

Over the years, as the campus improvements began, non-flushing pit toilets and doors were installed. With the new buildings, the school now has gravity-fed flushing toilets on each floor. 

Healthy bathroom facilities continue to be an issue that Liberia faces. Hope International, through your generosity, now provides the students and staff with this essential provision. 

This progression beautifully exemplifies what has been made possible as we have grown and given together over these last 15 years.