The Best Example

Hope board member Bini and his family

In July 2021, the stateside board was having a difficult conversation during our meeting. We had been presented with a large unbudgeted but essential need for a Hope International staff member in Liberia. Naomi, our former vice principal, needed treatment for her life-threatening kidney disease. Our Liberian staff does not have medical insurance, in fact, it isn't even an option in Liberia. You, our community of Hope, has stepped in over the years in so many beautiful ways to support our staff's medical emergencies and treatments.


After this meeting, Hope board member Bini shared that he personally would like to create a fund that supports the medical needs of our Liberian staff. Through his designated giving since 2021, Naomi was able to get treatment and her life was prolonged. Since that time, Bini's generosity has paid for numerous staff member's emergency hospital visits, funerals and family expenses following too many early deaths of staff, Joe's hospitalization after his spinal injury and so much more. The medical fund Bini created has extended care on behalf of all of us to support our teachers and staff in times of their deepest need.

When we asked Bini what made him want to share in this specific way he said simply and profoundly...


Bini's generosity, and yours, have changed so many lives in the most direct ways possible through providing medical care during crisis and need. It's one of the brightest ways we shine together. 

It's Official

We hope you have had the opportunity to read our newsletter (in digital and print) and celebrate with all of the students and staff of Hope International another year of education! Students officially finished the 2023-2024 school year today.

As all of the year-end frenzying wraps for you and for Hope, may we take a collective pause/breath to say "we are grateful for all of it."

A Bird's Eye View

Let's start with the broadest view. This is a bird's eye (or drone's eye) view of the Hope International campus and community surrounding the school.

It is in this geographic area and in this particular cluster of buildings that the connection and generosity offered by the community of Hope that beautiful things are happening.

Many of you reading this made this campus possible. You helped us purchase, build, renovate and transform. It's been years in the making and thousands of lives have been impacted. 

It is truly the school that love has built and the buildings that house all that remains possible because of your partnership. 

P.S. A special thank you to Trevor Owen of ICCM who while working in Liberia visited Hope International and provided these images and video.