The Kindess of Quarantine Kits


As COVID-19 cases increase in Liberia, so does food scarcity. Bulk buying and exorbitant pricing for essentials such as rice have forced many families to survive on flour alone. Already vulnerable, this is creating dire hardship for the community surrounding Hope International.

In response to the urgent needs of the community, our Liberian partners are assembling Quarantine Kits. Each kit provides a household (4-6 people) with a 2-week supply of essentials: 

  • Rice

  • Cooking Oil

  • Sanitation Supplies

  • Masks

Principal Joseph Cummings has identified families in need and will distribute the kits to community members surrounding Hope International. 

Please join us today in providing our vulnerable families with emergency essentials. Gift a family in need with a Quarantine Kit for $40. Your $40 donation provides the purchasing power needed to acquire these supplies for our students and families, teachers, staff, and friends of HOPE. 

We are each other’s safety net.