This Season of Blooming

Dear Friends of Hope,

During the month of October, as we do each year, we asked you who journey along with us, to make it official by joining in partnership through Hope² as a recurring donor.  It is these recurring donations that are the foundation of funding our school operations.  

We shared with you that we have set a goal of increasing our recurring donations by $945. To date, we have received $451 in increased and new monthly gifts. The glass is half-full, and we are grateful. 

As educational hardships continue in Liberia, the demand for enrollment at Hope International is exceeding our budget. After all of the years of planting and cultivation, the blooming is at hand. We find ourselves at a time where we are in need for our small group of amazing donors to expand to meet the growing needs of the school. If you have followed along and feel connected or drawn to what is happening here, we ask you to consider joining with us.   

Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for your partnership.