Science, Technology, and Hope

Here in the States, we hear a lot about STEM learning. In Liberia, science and technology education does not look the same. In order to enhance and strengthen the teaching of science education in Liberian schools, the Ministry of Education in collaboration with Peace Corps Liberia have officially launched, this year, the Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) Approach Strengthening program.

Hope International has grown its science and technology education.

In 2016, with the establishment of the school’s science and computer labs, hands-on learning opportunities were created. Join us in celebrating the evolution of these labs over the last 6 years.

Hope and Science

Through the generosity of many of you, Hope International’s science lab, according to alumni students, is one of the very best high school labs in the country. High school students take coursework in one of the three lab classrooms: biology, chemistry, and physics. Through the generosity of one of our Hope Squared partners, their monthly donation makes it possible to purchase science supplies for these classrooms. 

Hope and Computers

In 4th grade, students begin taking technology courses in Hope International’s computer lab, on computers that were purchased through your generosity. 

These are big opportunities for the students. Maybe it isn’t surprising then that in the Class of 2021, 20% of our seniors wish to pursue further education in computer science or technology.  

We are grateful for all the support along the way and look forward to growing these two school programs as we are able.

Together, we are The Hope Project.