We Are Each Other's Safety Net.


Friends & Partners,

I write to you in these times of deep uncertainty and fear as a fellow community member and friend, concerned about you and your people. I also write to you on behalf of those we partner with and love in Liberia.

Yesterday Liberia announced their first confirmed case of the Coronavirus, making it the 27th African country to be impacted. It wasn’t two hours later that the school was closed for the week and students sent home. This decision was made by the administration at the school. 

While I’m sure that this was a response based on the vantage point of watching how the rest of the world is dealing, Liberia, more than most, understands the pain and devastation that an untreatable, easily transmitted virus can bring.

Exactly 6 years ago, they began dealing with the devastating Ebola Virus. Over 11,000 West Africans lost their lives and it is still talked about often in Liberian conversations today.  The handling of that crisis is a model for countries today. You, we, were integral in the safety and well-being of the Hope International Community at that time where no lives were lost.

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Flash forward to today’s pandemic. Individuals, businesses and yes, non-profits, are looking at their bank accounts and trying to do the math. To balance this with that, to cut nonessential everything, to ask the question “what do we do when…?” I know we are also looking at our families and our communities and asking how to be of use and support to people in greater need than ourselves.

We as an organization have felt the financial impact already (understandably). We, like other non-profits reliant on the generosity of individuals, are worried too. We work hard not to over-ask or emotionally manipulate with the saddest stories. And yet, it is you, our deepest partners, who keep the work unfolding.


Liberia doesn’t have a safety net. I can’t even find a number of how many ventilators are in the country.  We as an organization, don’t have much of a safety net either. You give, we give.  We are asking you for your support in ensuring the funds that keep paying the teachers, support our students and their families, and provide what will be needed to help the community stay safe. What it comes down to is that we are each other’s safety net.

If you are in a position to give a one-time gift right now will you? Many of you can’t. We so get that. Some of us can and may be able to make up the difference for those unable. Isn’t it beautiful how that can happen? 

We, together, can weather this. Your history of lavish generosity makes our belief possible.  You have come through for us time and time again.

Thank you for your sustaining presence. Let’s continue to focus on those within arm’s reach, and those across the sea. We really are all in this together.

With Much Love and Hope,
