Together, We Will Be Ready.

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I’m writing to you from my kitchen table, pausing for a moment, and sending you so much love and gratitude across the miles. May peace find you in your new homebound rhythms and to our essential workers, your work is securing and serving us all. Thank you.

Like I imagine many of you, my anxiety level has run the gamut. I’m thinking about family, friends and community members, waiting to see what the unknown fallout will be. I cling to the stories of heroism and greater good thinking. How the medical professionals are coming out of retirement to be of beautiful use, the Dyson company engineering new ventilators in 10 short days, those who are sewing masks, the social distance drive by birthday wishes, and the grocery store heroes.

Despite desperate and uncertain circumstances, we are connected and when we harness our collective energy, we make the impossible, possible. We are finally understanding what our Liberian friends have known all along – we are each other’s safety net.

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During this time of major crisis, many of you are living out of an ever-increasing value to support your local, small businesses to keep them afloat. I am too. I ask that you, who love us and share what you have with the community of Liberia, think of The Hope Project as a local, small business in need of your support to endure and survive this storm. We too don’t have a large cushion to sustain us.

Your generosity enables the work in Liberia to continue during these tumultuous times, as well as in times of calm.

  • Nearly 1,200 students will be returning to school (currently predicted to be mid-April) to receive an education that is otherwise unattainable.

  • 70 full and part-time staff depend on their salaries. In Liberia, there are no government programs, no unemployment to receive, no stimulus checks…no assistance of any kind.

  • There are extremely minimal supplies and health care infrastructure. The country currently has 3 ventilators.

Big gifts, small gifts, all of it feeds into the pot of Hope that is being dished out and continually replenished by you who bring the ingredients. It’s such a beautiful metaphor.

With your partnership, we will continue to do this work. Together, we will be ready to provide what we can when the children and families in Liberia need us most. We are once again reminded during this time, we are each other’s safety net.

Please give HOPE today. Thank you.

Jackie Frazier
Executive Director