$4000 in 4 Days.

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Dear Friends of The Hope Project,

Joseph, our school principal messaged today to share the latest from Liberia. With 6 confirmed cases (where tests are virtually nonexistent), the community is afraid. They remember all too clearly the 2014-15 Ebola Crisis.

Just like us, Liberian schools are closed, the open-air markets are closing, and church services are canceled as the community begins to shelter in place. Joseph said that neighbors came to him yesterday asking if The Hope Project would be there for the community once again, just as we were during Ebola. There is a very real fear in Liberia that because our country is facing a national crisis, we will be unable to assist them as we have before. I told Joseph that we will do what we can. I reminded him that the people who support The Hope Project are people who show up. People who know what it means to be a literal safety net.

As the global situation is ever-changing, so are the needs of our Liberian community. We will come to you on a need-to-have basis. We are in immediate need of $4,000 to get a community hub open and operational in the next week. This community hub will be located at Hope International where Gardnersville residents can receive:

  • An emergency portion of rice.

  • Supplies for handwashing and home sanitation needs. 

With your help, we can ensure that basic needs are met during this crisis. Will you help us raise the needed$4,000 by Tuesday, April 7th?  

A little over a week ago you helped to raise $1,000 in 24 hours for sanitation supplies for the school. Yesterday we received a video of the purchased supplies. Here is the message from Joseph:

That is how immediate and direct your donations are. Money converted to Hope in just days. You are the safety net, we are the safety net. Together, we are HOPE.

$4,000 in 4 days. We got this.

Thank you.
Jackie Frazier
Executive Director, The Hope Project