Marthaline the Queen

Each day 1,200 students walk through the gates to Hope International School. Marthaline is one of these students achieving her dreams of an education.

Marthaline is a graduating senior in Hope International’s Class of 2022. She currently lives with her grandparents after the death of her father. She sells doughnuts as a street vendor to help support her family.

According to UNICEF, 15-20 percent of children aged 6-14 are not attending any form of school in Liberia. Only 54 percent of children complete primary education in Liberia. At Hope International, on average 95 of students graduate each year. Our first graduating class was in 2013, and to date, 528 students have graduated.

Thank you for supporting the dreams and education of Marthaline and the other 1,200 students of Hope International.

Together, we are The Hope Project.